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                您好,欢迎光临 深圳市恒屯兴科技有限公司!


                5Pin DIP-DC
                5Pin DIP-DC

                The EL30XX(P5) series of devices each consist of a GaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a photo triac. They are designed for interfacing between electronic controls and power triacs to control resistive and inductive loads for 115 to 240 VAC operations


                ? Peak breakdown voltage 250V~800V
                ? High isolation voltage between input and output (Viso=5000 Vrms)
                ? Zero voltage crossing
                ? Pb free and RoHS and Halogen free compliant

                Other Applications

                ? Solenoid/valve controls
                ? Light controls
                ? Static power switch
                ? AC motor drivers
                ? E.M contactors