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                您好,欢迎光临 深圳市恒屯兴科技有限公︾司!



                Single-channel 16-Bit CCD/CIS Analog Signal Processor.The HT82V42 is a complete analog signal processor for CCD imaging applications. It features a 1-channel architecture designed to sample and condition the outputs of tri-linear color CCD arrays.

                The channel consists of an input clamp, Correlated Double Sampler (CDS), offset DAC and Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) and a high performance 16-bit A/D converter. The CDS amplifiers may be disabled for use with sensors such as Contact Image Sensors (CIS) and CMOS active pixel sensors, which do not require CDS. The 16-bit digital output is available in 4-bit wide multiplexed format. The internal registers are programmed through a 4-wire serial interface, which provides gain, offset and operating mode adjustments. The HT82V42 operates from a single 3.3V power supply and typically consumes 188mW of power.


                • 3.3V single power supply

                • Low power consumption: 188mW (Typ.)

                • Power-down mode: 300uA (Typ.)

                • 16-bit 15 MSPS A/D converter

                • Guaranteed won't miss codes

                • 8-bit programmable gain

                • Correlated Double Sampling

                • ±315mV 8-bit programmable offset

                • Programmable clamp voltage

                • Internal voltage reference

                • Programmable 4-wire serial interface

                • 4-bit multiplexed nibble mode

                • 20-pin SSOP package